Decorating Tips For Small Living Spaces

If you live in a small home, an apartment, or a home that has some small rooms, you might think it's difficult to furnish it. Not everyone is lucky enough to have a home that is open and spacious. While choosing furniture and accessories for small rooms can be overwhelming, there are some ways that you can even make those small spaces seem larger.

Coffee Table Ottoman

Unless you can knock out a wall, there's nothing you can do about the size of your rooms. However, there are ways that you can take full advantage of the space you do have. By choosing the right furnishings, you can give a small room the appearance of being much larger than it really is.

Coffee Table Ottoman

The first step is to reduce clutter in your home. Chances are if you have a small living space, you probably don't have a lot of closet or shelf space. You can add a lot of storage space by choosing pieces that serve a dual purpose. Choose ottomans that have storage, a bed that has shelves underneath,or a coffee table that has storage space underneath.

The most important thing you can do before shopping for furniture is to measure. Make sure that you write down all the dimensions of the room and check the size of the furniture before you purchase it. While it might be nice to have the love seat that goes with the couch and chair, if it's going to make the room to crowded, don't buy it.

Creating open spaces gives the illusion of bigger spaces. Tables that have glass, or metal pieces that let light pass through will make the room look larger. Another easy way to add the look of space is with the use of mirrors. The reflection of light makes the mind think the room is bigger, so try to avoid placing tall furniture pieces in front of windows.

Often, people choose small furniture for small rooms. A lot of small pieces can actually make the room look more cluttered. Using several medium sized pieces will give the room a more spacious feel. You can even make the room look larger by using several shades of one color instead of using a lot of different colors.

Nesting tables are an excellent choice for small spaces. The tables can be set out when they're needed and stacked when they're not in use. The color of your walls has a big effect on how spacious the room looks, light colors give a open, airy effect. Limit large patterns to accessory items such as pillows.

No matter which room your furnishing, only use pieces of furniture that you really need. Avoid large, heavy pieces of furniture that will make the room seem like it's even smaller. Instead choose well balanced pieces that are low to the floor and have legs so that you can store stuff underneath them. You'll be amazed at how big your small room will look if you follow these simple tips.

Decorating Tips For Small Living Spaces
Coffee Table Ottoman

Bed Headboards Metal Nimh Battery Tester Floating Oak Shelves